
Порівняння ліцензій Навчальної хмари «lCloud»

  • cost Безкоштовно
  • Places in the cloud 3GB
  • cost 39.00 $/міс
  • Places in the cloud 10GB
  • cost 94.00 $/міс
  • Places in the cloud 100GB
  • cost 359.00 $/міс
  • Places in the cloud 400GB
Form for viewing information about entrants abiturient_list + + + +
Adding information about the entrant add + + + +
Deleting information about the entrant dell + + + +
Editing information about the entrant edit + + + +
Form for viewing/adding/editing information about the entrant edit_abiturient + + + +
Request a list of entrants according to the selected criteria get_abiturient_list + + + +
Admissions office kabitet_vstupnuka + + + +
Application form for admission podatu_zayavy + + + +
The entrant's office settings form preference + + + +
Changing the settings of the entrant's office save_abiturient_preference + + + +
Sending the application by the entrant send_zayava + + + +
show_zayava_status + + + +
update_zayava + + + +
Analytics for key accesses access + + + +
View feedback from users in the manager's monitor feedback_info + + + +
feedback_lesson_delete + + + +
View feedback feedback_list + + + +
files + + + +
files_virtual_auditori + + + +
files_virtual_auditori_delete_file + + + +
files_virtual_auditori_teacher + + + +
General analytical information info + + + +
Analytics of educational support navchanle_zabespechenja + + + +
View the number of online users online_user + + + +
starting_assistang_step + + + +
starting_assistant + + + +
Analytics about teaching staff teacher_info + + + +
Add a message add_ms + + + +
Block user ban_user + + + +
Change the color of your own messages color_user_message + + + +
Delete your own message del_ms + + + +
View the number of users in each chat room room_user_count + + + +
Downloading recent messages and chat users show_last + + + +
Loading recent chat messages show_last_ms + + + +
Loading recent chat users show_users + + + +
Publications on the site
change_post_organizator_for_teacher + + + +
edit_post_organizator + + + +
edit_post_organizator_save + + + +
login_in_dle + + + +
more_news + + + +
news_add + + + +
news_all + + + +
The form for adding a new access group add_group + + + +
Form for adding a new user add_user + + + +
Changing the user's email profile change_user_email + + + +
change_user_name + + + +
Changing the login password for a user change_user_password + + + +
Changing the phone number in the user profile change_user_phone + + + +
Request to create a new access group create_new_group + + + +
Request to create a new user create_new_user + + + +
delete_user + + + +
Editing user access groups edit_group + + + +
Access group settings editing form edit_permission + + + +
get_tariff_data + + + +
Request to edit user access groups get_user_group + + + +
View access groups group + + + +
group_delete + + + +
Access group name change request group_edit_group_name + + + +
import_hotspot_profile + + + +
View a list of NAS nas + + + +
Request to add a NAS nas_add + + + +
Adding a NAS user nas_add_user + + + +
NAS removal nas_delete + + + +
NAS edit form nas_edit + + + +
nas_update + + + +
Browse NAS users online nas_users_online + + + +
Deleting a NAS user nas_user_delete + + + +
Deleting a user's email profile remove_user_email + + + +
Deleting a phone number in a user's profile remove_user_phone + + + +
Request to add/remove access to the access group feature set_permission + + + +
View access group settings show_group_permission + + + +
tariff_data_delete + + + +
tariff_data_save + + + +
Viewing the list of users users + + + +
User information editing form user_edit + + + +
Main user management menu user_list + + + +
Teaching load
Request to add teaching load add_teacher_load + + + +
Request to change the funding source (budget contract) change_hour_budzhet + + + +
Request to establish an atypical division in the studied discipline change_special_divine_on_subgroup + + + +
Request to change the status of teaching load change_status_load_year + + + +
Request to merge several groups into a stream create_flows + + + +
Request to remove teaching load dell_hour_teacher + + + +
Pedagogical workload editing form edit_load + + + +
load_group_auto_pidbir + + + +
Review of the pedagogical load by the teacher my_teacher_load + + + +
Request to create a teaching load for the new year new_load_year + + + +
print_load_by_year + + + +
Request from the curriculum of subject hours for a given semester show_hour_predmet + + + +
Request for study group semesters show_semestr + + + +
Request for subjects of the specified semester of the study group show_year_predmet + + + +
Request the current teaching load of the selected teacher teacher_load + + + +
clear_dialog + + + +
Creating a new dialogue dialog_show + + + +
View messages from the user dialog_show_by_id + + + +
dialog_unread_all + + + +
Downloading the latest dialog messages last_ms + + + +
Sending messages send_message + + + +
Downloading the counter of unread messages and the number of online users user_unread_chat_ms_count_get + + + +
Educational plans
Adding subjects to the curriculum add + + + +
Adding competencies to the standard of education add_competition_to_education_standart + + + +
add_king_of_load_teacher + + + +
Adding a rating in an electronic journal add_mark + + + +
Adding a rating column in the electronic magazine add_mark_type + + + +
Addition of program learning outcome to the learning standard add_plo_to_education_standart + + + +
Adding a grade for performing a practical skill add_skill_mark + + + +
Adding a class pass add_space + + + +
View archived plans archived_plan + + + +
block_edit_journal_status_edit + + + +
change_relative_predmet_status + + + +
change_status_vid + + + +
Changing the password for the teacher's Zoom conference in the virtual classroom change_tzoompassword + + + +
Viewing the list of competencies competention + + + +
Removal of competence competention_delete + + + +
Competency add/edit form competention_edit + + + +
Downloading the list of competencies competention_file_upload + + + +
Competency information import form competention_import + + + +
Import the list of competencies competention_import_file_list + + + +
Preservation of competence competention_save + + + +
View competency information competention_show + + + +
Viewing the Course course + + + +
Removing the grade column delete_mark_type + + + +
Deleting a grade in an electronic journal dell_mark + + + +
Removing a subject from the curriculum dell_predmet + + + +
Deleting a pass from the electronic journal dell_space + + + +
dell_teacher_plan_report_done_upload_files + + + +
No Translate find dell_work_program_edit_lection_text_upload_files + + + +
View the content of the electronic textbook ebook + + + +
Curriculum editing form edit + + + +
Changing the system of evaluation of the subject of the curriculum edit_balls_predmet + + + +
Changing the subject evaluation system in a certain semester of the curriculum edit_balls_semestr + + + +
Changing the subject cycle edit_cycle_predmet + + + +
No Translate find edit_exam + + + +
Editing of curriculum subject hours edit_hour + + + +
No Translate find edit_lang_to_teach_id + + + +
No Translate find edit_nav_plan_col + + + +
No Translate find edit_note + + + +
No Translate find edit_plan_education_standart + + + +
Editing the name of the curriculum edit_plan_name + + + +
Editing the number of academic hours of one subject edit_plan_one_lesson_hour + + + +
Editing of the subject evaluation system edit_plan_predmet_balls + + + +
Editing the number of weeks in a semester edit_plan_semestr_week_count + + + +
Editing the number of years in the curriculum edit_plan_year + + + +
Curriculum subject editing form edit_predmet + + + +
Editing the name of the subject of the curriculum edit_predmet_name + + + +
Editing of the subject reading system edit_proofreading + + + +
Editing the subject of the curriculum schedule edit_rpid + + + +
No Translate find edit_teacher_plan_king + + + +
No Translate find edit_type_lesson_sum_status + + + +
Revision of education standards education_standart + + + +
Removal of the standard of education education_standart_delete + + + +
The form for adding/editing the standard of education education_standart_edit + + + +
No Translate find education_standart_edit_competition + + + +
No Translate find education_standart_edit_plo + + + +
Editing of the standard of education education_standart_save + + + +
View information about the standard of education education_standart_show + + + +
Export of the individual plan of the teacher export_to_word + + + +
Feedback form feedback_add + + + +
No Translate find get_edit_mark_type + + + +
No Translate find get_group_from_load + + + +
No Translate find get_group_list_content + + + +
No Translate find get_lesson_skills + + + +
No Translate find get_predmet + + + +
No Translate find get_student_thema_test_rezult + + + +
No Translate find get_subgroup + + + +
No Translate find get_theme_from_plan + + + +
No Translate find get_vidomist_list_for_predmet + + + +
Access to all electronic progress logs global_journal_access + + + +
Імпорт електронного підручника з іншого навчального плану import_ebook_from_plan + + + +
No Translate find import_file_list + + + +
The form for importing information about the subjects of the curriculum import_plan_predmet + + + +
Import the list of subjects into the curriculum import_plan_predmet_upload + + + +
Electronic magazine journal + + + +
journal_print + + + +
Форма друку електронного журналу успішності journal_print_global + + + +
journal_vidomist + + + +
journal_vidomist_add + + + +
journal_vidomist_remove + + + +
No Translate find king_delete + + + +
Viewing the activities of the teacher's individual work plan king_of_load_teacher + + + +
The form for adding/editing activities of the teacher's individual work plan king_of_load_teacher_edit + + + +
No Translate find king_save + + + +
View students of "Virtual audience" lesson_student + + + +
Viewing "Virtual Audience" tasks lesson_task + + + +
Review of control methods metodu_kontrolu + + + +
Deleting a control method metodu_kontrolu_delete + + + +
Control method editing form metodu_kontrolu_edit + + + +
Saving the control method metodu_kontrolu_save + + + +
Review of teaching methods metodu_navchanya + + + +
Deleting a learning method metodu_navchanya_delete + + + +
Form for adding/editing training methods metodu_navchanya_edit + + + +
Preservation of teaching methods metodu_navchanya_save + + + +
Adding a curriculum nav_plan_add_new + + + +
Deleting/archiving the curriculum nav_plan_delete + + + +
Restore from the curriculum archive nav_plan_undelete + + + +
No Translate find open_rating_from_lesson_for_teacher + + + +
Viewing the curriculum plan + + + +
Viewing the list of curriculum cycles plan_cycle + + + +
Deleting a cycle plan_cycle_delete + + + +
Form for adding/editing information about the curriculum subject cycle plan_cycle_edit + + + +
Saving the cycle plan_cycle_save + + + +
Export curriculum plan_export + + + +
No Translate find plan_list_for_import_get_semestr + + + +
No Translate find plan_predmet + + + +
No Translate find plan_predmet_skills + + + +
Viewing the number of tests for each subject of the curriculum plan_predmet_test + + + +
Viewing the content of the Educational and methodological complex for each subject of the curriculum plan_work_program + + + +
View program learning outcomes plo + + + +
Deleting the software learning result plo_delete + + + +
The form for editing the software learning result plo_edit + + + +
Saving the software learning result plo_save + + + +
View program learning outcomes plo_show + + + +
Друк електронного журналу успішності print_journal_global_preview + + + +
Removal of competence from the standard of education remove_competition_to_education_standart + + + +
Removal of the program learning result from the standard of education remove_plo_to_education_standart + + + +
Search for skills search_skills + + + +
No Translate find show_all_add_theme_predmet + + + +
No Translate find show_all_archived_add_theme_predmet + + + +
No Translate find show_all_statistics_theme_predmet + + + +
No Translate find show_edit_vidomist_by_teacher + + + +
Task task + + + +
No Translate find task_add + + + +
No Translate find task_add_done + + + +
No Translate find task_ball_edit + + + +
No Translate find task_delete + + + +
No Translate find task_done + + + +
No Translate find task_edit_task_date + + + +
No Translate find task_edit_task_text + + + +
No Translate find task_get_to_do_list + + + +
No Translate find task_my_add + + + +
No Translate find task_my_done + + + +
No Translate find task_return_work + + + +
No Translate find task_rozklad + + + +
No Translate find task_show_success_work + + + +
No Translate find task_to_do + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_all + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_all_show + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report_all + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report_all_show + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report_done + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report_done_delete + + + +
No Translate find teacher_plan_report_done_save + + + +
teacher_plan_report_done_upload_files + + + +
No Translate find update_rating_in_vidomist + + + +
Virtual audience virtual_auditori + + + +
No Translate find vote_course + + + +
Submitting a feedback form vote_course_save + + + +
No Translate find vote_course_theme_rating + + + +
Fixation of joining the online conference webinar_link_click + + + +
The form of revision of the educational and methodological complex work_program + + + +
Browsing archived NMC topics work_program_archived_thema + + + +
Sorting of NMK topics work_program_change_sort_in_journal + + + +
Change of the serial number of the class in NMK work_program_change_thema_number + + + +
Change of the subject of the NMK lesson in the semester work_program_change_thema_semestr + + + +
Changing the type of lesson of the NMC topic work_program_change_thema_type + + + +
Adding competence to the lesson map work_program_competention_add + + + +
Removing competence from the lesson card work_program_competention_delete + + + +
work_program_delete_theme + + + +
No Translate find work_program_edit + + + +
No Translate find work_program_edit_all + + + +
No Translate find work_program_edit_lection_text + + + +
No Translate find work_program_edit_lection_text_upload_files + + + +
No Translate find work_program_edit_lesson_teacher + + + +
No Translate find work_program_import_theme_list + + + +
work_program_kriterii_otcinuvana_edit + + + +
work_program_kriterii_otcinuvana_get + + + +
work_program_kriterii_otcinuvana_save + + + +
No Translate find work_program_lection_text + + + +
work_program_lection_text_history + + + +
No Translate find work_program_lesson_history + + + +
No Translate find work_program_lesson_skills_delete + + + +
work_program_load_predmet_files + + + +
No Translate find work_program_metodu_kontrolu_add + + + +
No Translate find work_program_metodu_kontrolu_delete + + + +
No Translate find work_program_metodu_navchanya_add + + + +
No Translate find work_program_metodu_navchanya_delete + + + +
No Translate find work_program_predmet_plan_add + + + +
No Translate find work_program_predmet_plan_delete + + + +
work_program_rescue_from_history + + + +
No Translate find work_program_save_edit_lecture_text + + + +
No Translate find work_program_save_test_id + + + +
No Translate find work_program_save_thema + + + +
No Translate find work_program_show_lesson + + + +
No Translate find work_program_show_lesson_teacher + + + +
No Translate find work_program_skills_add + + + +
Form for editing the work curriculum work_program_text_edit + + + +
No Translate find work_program_text_get + + + +
No Translate find work_program_text_save + + + +
Viewing job types (Report) work_type_report + + + +
Deleting report activity types work_type_report_delete + + + +
Form for adding/editing the type of work (Report) work_type_report_edit + + + +
No Translate find work_type_report_save + + + +
add + + + +
add_to_blog + + + +
category + + + +
category_add + + + +
category_delete + + + +
category_edit + + + +
comment_add + + + +
dell_comm + + + +
dell_news + + + +
dell_upload_files + + + +
get_edit_news + + + +
Personnel service
No Translate find add_teacher_attestation + + + +
No Translate find add_teacher_certification + + + +
View titles attestation_grade + + + +
Removal of titles attestation_grade_delete + + + +
Title editing form attestation_grade_edit + + + +
Editing titles attestation_grade_save + + + +
No Translate find attestation_list + + + +
No Translate find attestation_metodist_quality + + + +
No Translate find attestation_metodist_quality_delete + + + +
No Translate find attestation_metodist_quality_edit + + + +
No Translate find attestation_metodist_quality_save + + + +
Review of qualification categories attestation_quality_category + + + +
Removal of qualification categories attestation_quality_category_delete + + + +
Form for editing qualification categories attestation_quality_category_edit + + + +
Editing qualification categories attestation_quality_category_save + + + +
Review of academic degrees attestation_science_quality_category + + + +
Removal of academic degrees attestation_science_quality_category_delete + + + +
The form of editing scientific degrees attestation_science_quality_category_edit + + + +
Editing of academic degrees attestation_science_quality_category_save + + + +
Viewing the list of attestation letters attestetion + + + +
No Translate find certification_teacher + + + +
No Translate find change_cert_approved + + + +
No Translate find dell_teacher_attestation + + + +
No Translate find dell_teacher_certification + + + +
The form for editing the teacher's attestation letters edit_teacher_atestacia + + + +
No Translate find edit_teacher_certification + + + +
No Translate find edit_teacher_kyrsu + + + +
Review of professional development courses kyrsu + + + +
No Translate find kyrsu_list + + + +
Revision of the teacher training plan for the year kyrsu_year + + + +
No Translate find kyrsu_year_rezult + + + +
No Translate find kyrsu_year_rezult_calendar + + + +
My professional development courses my_kyrsu + + + +
Viewing the current teaching staff ped_sklad + + + +
The form of a perspective plan for professional development plan_kyrsu + + + +
No Translate find show_plan_kyrsu + + + +
Student reference form student + + + +
No Translate find student_group_student_list + + + +
Print information about students student_print + + + +
List of teaching staff teacher + + + +
View certification letters teacher_attestation + + + +
No Translate find teacher_certification + + + +
Changing the Main place of work field teacher_change_main_place_of_work + + + +
Changing the status of a teaching staff teacher_change_status_work_in_college + + + +
Editing of information about teaching staff teacher_save_teacher_info + + + +
Teacher's portfolio
View all Achievements access_achievement_all + + + +
View all teachers' portfolios access_for_all_teacher_portfolio + + + +
Editing of the teacher's photo in the portfolio access_for_edit_teacher_foto + + + +
View achievements achievement + + + +
View achievement categories achievement_category + + + +
Removing an achievement category achievement_category_delete + + + +
Achievement category editing form achievement_category_edit + + + +
Saving the achievement category achievement_category_save + + + +
Deleting an achievement achievement_delete + + + +
Achievement editing form achievement_edit + + + +
Saving achievements achievement_save + + + +
achievement_student + + + +
achievement_student_delete + + + +
achievement_student_edit + + + +
achievement_student_save + + + +
change_teacher_portfolio + + + +
Removing photo achievements dell_foto_achievement_file + + + +
dell_foto_achievement_student_file + + + +
Deleting the photo of the teacher's portfolio dell_foto_teacher_file + + + +
Saving the attached photo of the teacher's portfolio save_foto_teacher_file + + + +
- skills_journal + + + +
- student + + + +
student_achievement_category + + + +
student_achievement_category_delete + + + +
student_achievement_category_edit + + + +
student_achievement_category_save + + + +
The teacher's portfolio selection form teacher + + + +
View a list of available teacher portfolios teacher_portfolio_list + + + +
The form for changing the statute of publication of the teacher's portfolio teacher_portfolio_status + + + +
Changing the publication status of the teacher's portfolio teacher_portfolio_status_change + + + +
Teacher rating review form teacher_rating + + + +
Teacher rating request for a certain academic year teacher_rating_get + + + +
Review of the teacher's scientific and publishing activities teacher_science + + + +
Removal of scientific and publishing activities teacher_science_dell + + + +
The form of editing scientific and publishing activity teacher_science_work + + + +
Adding scientific and publishing activities teacher_science_work_add + + + +
Review of the general list of scientific and publishing activities teacher_science_work_all + + + +
Upload photo of achievement upload_achievement_foto + + + +
upload_achievement_student_foto + + + +
Uploading a teacher's photo portfolio upload_teacher_foto + + + +
View global cloud settings edit + + + +
Saving new global cloud settings pref_save + + + +
No Translate find add_lesson_auto + + + +
No Translate find add_lesson_in_calendar + + + +
No Translate find add_lesson_series + + + +
Viewing the list of audiences auditori + + + +
No Translate find auditori_add + + + +
No Translate find auditori_dell + + + +
No Translate find auditori_edit_housing + + + +
No Translate find auditori_function + + + +
No Translate find autorize_in_google + + + +
No Translate find autorize_in_google_oauth2callback + + + +
Changing the class audience change_aid + + + +
No Translate find change_number_lesson + + + +
No Translate find change_predmet_lesson + + + +
No Translate find change_sid + + + +
No Translate find change_tid + + + +
No Translate find create_accaunt_teacher + + + +
Viewing Dean's Office settings dekanat + + + +
Starting synchronization with the Dean's Office dekanat_start_sync + + + +
Synchronization form with the Dean's Office dekanat_sync + + + +
Editing the name of the study group edit_group_gname + + + +
No Translate find edit_group_info + + + +
No Translate find edit_group_npara_graphik + + + +
edit_group_rozklad_type_id + + + +
Editing form for binding subjects to classrooms edit_predmet_auditori_link + + + +
No Translate find edit_predmet_auditori_link_get_auditori_link + + + +
No Translate find edit_predmet_auditori_link_get_predmet_link + + + +
No Translate find edit_predmet_auditori_link_update_auditori_link + + + +
No Translate find edit_predmet_auditori_link_update_predmet_link + + + +
No Translate find edit_teacher_graphik + + + +
No Translate find free_auditori + + + +
No Translate find free_auditori_by_rid + + + +
No Translate find free_number_lesson_in_day_by_rid + + + +
No Translate find free_subgroup_by_rid + + + +
No Translate find free_teacher_by_rid + + + +
No Translate find free_to_add + + + +
No Translate find get_day_by_week + + + +
No Translate find get_department_group + + + +
No Translate find get_group_predmets + + + +
No Translate find get_group_predmet_teacher + + + +
No Translate find get_hour_in_load_teacher + + + +
No Translate find get_info_teacher_load_month + + + +
No Translate find get_month + + + +
No Translate find get_proofreading_teacher + + + +
No Translate find get_semestr + + + +
No Translate find get_semestr_vichitka + + + +
Google api connection form google_token + + + +
Viewing the list of study groups groups + + + +
No Translate find groups_edit + + + +
No Translate find groups_function + + + +
No Translate find group_add + + + +
No Translate find group_add_global_access_to_gcalendar + + + +
No Translate find group_create_email + + + +
No Translate find group_create_gcalendar + + + +
No Translate find group_dell + + + +
Viewing the list of buildings housing + + + +
No Translate find housing_delete + + + +
No Translate find housing_edit + + + +
No Translate find housing_save + + + +
import_file_list + + + +
import_teacher + + + +
import_teacher_upload + + + +
lesson_details + + + +
No Translate find my_rozklad + + + +
No Translate find npara_disable + + + +
No Translate find npara_edit + + + +
No Translate find npara_enable + + + +
View call schedule settings npara_preference + + + +
No Translate find npara_save + + + +
Viewing the list of schedule subjects predmets + + + +
No Translate find predmets_conflict + + + +
No Translate find predmets_function + + + +
No Translate find predmet_add + + + +
No Translate find predmet_all_by_rid + + + +
No Translate find predmet_dell + + + +
No Translate find predmet_edit + + + +
No Translate find predmet_import_from_plan + + + +
No Translate find predmet_save + + + +
View schedule settings preference + + + +
Schedule printing settings form print_rozklad + + + +
No Translate find print_vidomist + + + +
The form for viewing the reading of hours by teachers for a month proofreading_teacher_hour + + + +
The teacher's substitute review form proofreading_teacher_hour_zamina + + + +
The form for viewing the teaching reading with an analysis of conducting classes remotely pvv + + + +
No Translate find raddauto_load_group + + + +
No Translate find rcalrefresh_delete_event + + + +
No Translate find rcalrefresh_refresh + + + +
Form for adding classes rcreate + + + +
automatic scheduling form rcreateauto + + + +
refresh_group_in_google_workspace + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_add + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_lesson_del + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_show + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_show_by_week + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_show_to_analize + + + +
No Translate find rozklad_teacher + + + +
rozklad_type_add + + + +
rozklad_type_delete + + + +
rozklad_type_edit + + + +
rozklad_type_info_add + + + +
rozklad_type_info_delete + + + +
rozklad_type_list + + + +
rozklad_type_rename + + + +
No Translate find rpref + + + +
No Translate find rshowlast + + + +
No Translate find save_rozklad_pref + + + +
No Translate find send_pass_to_email + + + +
No Translate find show_group_arr + + + +
Print the schedule according to the selected template show_rozklad_to_print + + + +
No Translate find statistic + + + +
Viewing the list of teachers teacher + + + +
No Translate find teacher_add + + + +
No Translate find teacher_add_access_to_calendar + + + +
No Translate find teacher_create_calendar + + + +
No Translate find teacher_dell + + + +
No Translate find teacher_function + + + +
No Translate find teacher_graph + + + +
No Translate find teacher_graphik + + + +
teacher_plan_predmet + + + +
teacher_plan_predmet_change + + + +
teacher_predmet + + + +
teacher_rozklad_type + + + +
teacher_rozklad_type_change + + + +
No Translate find test_dekanat_rozklad_api_url + + + +
No Translate find trozklad + + + +
No Translate find update_teacher_info + + + +
Auditorium occupancy review form usedauditori + + + +
No Translate find user_auditori + + + +
Form for viewing free classrooms and teachers vauditori + + + +
No Translate find vichitka + + + +
No Translate find vichitka_by_period + + + +
Information printing form vidomist + + + +
No Translate find zvirka + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_get_date + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_get_free_teacher + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_get_group + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_get_predmet + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_get_subgroup + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_root + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_save_change_teacher + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_teacher_get_date + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_teacher_get_group + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_teacher_get_predmet + + + +
No Translate find zvirka_teacher_get_subgroup + + + +
Algorithms of practical skills
Downloading the entire list of algorithms more_skills + + + +
Viewing the list of algorithms skills + + + +
Algorithm addition form skills_add + + + +
Request to add a new algorithm skills_add_new + + + +
Removing the algorithm skills_delete + + + +
Algorithm editing form skills_edit + + + +
Request to save the algorithm skills_edit_save + + + +
Form for importing names of practical skills algorithms skills_import + + + +
Request to import names of practical skills algorithms skills_import_list + + + +
The form of combining algorithms of practical skills skills_union + + + +
Request for unification of algorithms of practical skills skills_union_begin + + + +
Viewing the content of the algorithm skill_show + + + +
Add information about the student add + + + +
Open access to filling out information by the teacher add_access_to_edit_vidomist + + + +
Add a medical certificate add_med_dovidka + + + +
Add an order add_order + + + +
Add a phone number for notifications about passes add_phone_to_notification + + + +
Add a subject to the print form attached to the certificate add_predmet_dodatok_print + + + +
Add a rating to the application add_ration_to_dodatku + + + +
Add pass add_space + + + +
No Translate find add_to_order + + + +
Create a report add_vidomist + + + +
No Translate find add_waste + + + +
No Translate find autorize_in_google + + + +
No Translate find autorize_in_google_oauth2callback + + + +
Printing badges beidgik + + + +
change_load_teacher_hour_consultation + + + +
change_pconvert_to_five + + + +
change_pconvert_to_twenty + + + +
change_point_level + + + +
No Translate find change_rating_from + + + +
change_rating_level + + + +
change_rrating_convert + + + +
change_rrating_negative + + + +
Change of ten, student subgroups change_subgroup + + + +
Change of information date change_vdate + + + +
Changing the subject of information change_vidomist_predmet_id + + + +
Changing the information number change_vnum + + + +
change_v_balls_id + + + +
No Translate find change_v_rat_add_to + + + +
Viewing the contingent form contungentu + + + +
Create a student account create + + + +
No Translate find create_google_account + + + +
Delete student information dell + + + +
Deleting information from the order dell_from_order + + + +
Removal of medical certificate dell_med_dovidka + + + +
Deleting an order dell_order + + + +
Deleting a pass dell_space + + + +
Deleting information dell_vidomist + + + +
No Translate find dell_waste + + + +
View the list of branches department + + + +
Deleting branch information department_delete + + + +
Editing branch information department_edit + + + +
Saving information about the department department_save + + + +
Turn off SMS notification about passes for the number disable_sms_notification + + + +
Application printing form dodatku + + + +
Deletion of the subject of the appendix to the certificate dodatok_predmet_dell + + + +
No Translate find dodatok_showratingstudent + + + +
Editing information about the student edit + + + +
No Translate find edit_dodatok_predmet + + + +
Viewing information about dozens of students, subgroups of a certain subject edit_group_info + + + +
No Translate find edit_student + + + +
edit_student_foto_all + + + +
No Translate find edit_tpl_dodatku + + + +
No Translate find edit_tpl_dodatku_edit_block_info + + + +
No Translate find edit_tpl_dodatku_edit_block_status + + + +
No Translate find edit_tpl_dodatku_info + + + +
No Translate find edit_tpl_dodatku_load_dodatok_tpl + + + +
No Translate find edit_zagalni_vidomosti + + + +
No Translate find edit_zagalni_vidomosti_group + + + +
Enable SMS notification about passes for the phone number enable_sms_notification + + + +
Viewing information about the contingent get_contungent + + + +
Transfer of information about created student accounts get_group_account + + + +
View information about the announcement get_info_vidomist + + + +
No Translate find get_predmet + + + +
No Translate find get_semestr + + + +
No Translate find get_semestr_group_info + + + +
No Translate find get_semestr_group_info_export + + + +
No Translate find get_spaces_journal + + + +
No Translate find get_student_med_dovidka + + + +
No Translate find get_student_rating + + + +
No Translate find get_student_sms_notification_status + + + +
No Translate find get_vidomosti + + + +
No Translate find get_week + + + +
No Translate find group + + + +
No Translate find groups_spaces + + + +
No Translate find group_calendar + + + +
No Translate find group_info + + + +
No Translate find import_file_list + + + +
No Translate find import_student + + + +
No Translate find import_student_upload + + + +
individual_plan + + + +
No Translate find link_to_pay_sms_notification + + + +
No Translate find med_dovidka + + + +
No Translate find orders + + + +
No Translate find orders_types_delete + + + +
No Translate find orders_types_save + + + +
No Translate find order_block_by_oid + + + +
No Translate find order_list_block + + + +
No Translate find order_list_not_block + + + +
No Translate find order_types + + + +
No Translate find order_types_edit + + + +
No Translate find order_types_fields + + + +
No Translate find order_types_fields_value_edit + + + +
No Translate find order_type_fields_value_delete + + + +
No Translate find order_type_fields_value_save + + + +
No Translate find order_unblock_by_oid + + + +
No Translate find predmet_dodatok_get_by_id + + + +
No Translate find print_profile_access + + + +
No Translate find rating_dodatok_add + + + +
No Translate find rating_dodatok_dell + + + +
No Translate find rating_student + + + +
Form for reviewing group semester grades record_book + + + +
No Translate find refresh_list_in_order + + + +
No Translate find refresh_list_orders + + + +
remove_student_foto + + + +
No Translate find reset_pass + + + +
rozklad_groups_forma + + + +
No Translate find rrating_edit + + + +
save_foto_student_file + + + +
No Translate find session_rezult + + + +
No Translate find showg + + + +
No Translate find show_group_student + + + +
No Translate find show_rating_student_to_dodatok + + + +
No Translate find show_student_list + + + +
No Translate find sms_notification + + + +
No Translate find sms_notification_dell_phone + + + +
No Translate find spaces + + + +
No Translate find spaces_journal + + + +
No Translate find starosta_student_spaces + + + +
No Translate find starosta_student_spaces_add_space + + + +
No Translate find starosta_student_spaces_dell_space + + + +
No Translate find starosta_student_spaces_show_group_student + + + +
student_history_add + + + +
student_history_get + + + +
student_history_remove + + + +
student_individual_plan_view + + + +
No Translate find student_list_predmet_list + + + +
No Translate find student_rating + + + +
No Translate find student_rating_semestr + + + +
No Translate find student_spaces + + + +
No Translate find student_subgroup_ten_link_use + + + +
No Translate find tpl_dodatku_block_delete + + + +
No Translate find tpl_dodatku_delete + + + +
No Translate find update_rating + + + +
No Translate find userstudent + + + +
Form for adding/viewing information vidomosti + + + +
Viewing lists of groups vizit_list_group + + + +
No Translate find v_block + + + +
No Translate find v_unblock + + + +
No Translate find zagalni_vidomosti + + + +
No Translate find zagalni_vidomosti_get_list_group + + + +
No Translate find zagalni_vidomosti_get_search_list + + + +
Access to view all test tasks access_to_all_test + + + +
Access to tests that are open globally access_to_global_testing + + + +
View all test results access_to_rezult_all_test + + + +
Adding a new question add_new_question + + + +
Adding a new topic add_new_theme + + + +
Adding a testing mode add_pref_test + + + +
Form for adding a question add_question + + + +
The form for adding a new test topic add_test + + + +
Adding an editor to the test topic add_user_test + + + +
Block access to globally open test tasks block_access_to_global_testing + + + +
Change of test evaluation criteria change_test_balls_rating_percent + + + +
Remove added testing access delete_test_access + + + +
Deleting the testing mode dell_pref_test + + + +
Deleting the downloaded question file dell_question_file + + + +
Removing a user from the test topic editors dell_user_test + + + +
Deleting a topic included in the test del_theme_from_test + + + +
Editing the subject of the test topic edit_pname + + + +
Editing the text of the question edit_question_text + + + +
Editing the title of the test topic edit_test_name + + + +
Editing global test access edit_used_test + + + +
Generation of a new version of the test generate_test + + + +
Form for viewing generated test options generate_variant_test + + + +
View groups in test results get_group + + + +
Viewing information about the results of tests on the topic get_group_test_info + + + +
Viewing the list of subjects when changing the subject of the test get_pname + + + +
Viewing the list of subject topics get_predmet_theme + + + +
get_question + + + +
Viewing the list of students in the test results get_student + + + +
Viewing the student's answers get_student_answer + + + +
List of tests list_test + + + +
list_test_archived + + + +
My test results my_test_rezult + + + +
Adding a new test topic new_test + + + +
Test settings form preference + + + +
Review of evaluation criteria settings preference_global + + + +
Deleting a question question_del + + + +
The form for viewing the results of passed tests rezult_all + + + +
Viewing the list of students when adding test attempts show_group_arr + + + +
View errors when passing the test topic show_testing_error + + + +
View statistics on the number of test tasks statistics + + + +
Viewing statistics on the total number of test tasks statistics_all + + + +
Form of testing testing + + + +
Viewing globally open tests testing_all_test_predmet + + + +
Get a hint testing_get_hint + + + +
Next question testing_next_question + + + +
Start of testing testing_start_test + + + +
Viewing the form for providing access to testing test_access + + + +
Adding test attempts test_access_add + + + +
View submitted test attempts test_access_all_for_test + + + +
Deleting a test topic test_del + + + +
No Translate find test_list + + + +
Updating information about current users undergoing testing on the topic test_now_testing + + + +
Import a list of questions from TestW test_parse_testw + + + +
No Translate find test_preference + + + +
No Translate find test_preference_get_user_email + + + +
test_recovery + + + +
No Translate find test_show + + + +
View the test topic log test_status_log + + + +
Loading the image for the test question upload_question_foto + + + +
User authorization form autorization + + + +
Request to change the user's e-mail address change_email_user + + + +
User password change request change_password + + + +
Request to save additional user information change_user_info + + + +
User interface language change request change_user_language + + + +
change_user_name + + + +
change_user_theme_mode + + + +
Request to verify the verification code during the open user registration procedure check_access_password + + + +
Request to confirm the user's new email address check_email_hash + + + +
check_email_hash_guest + + + +
A request to verify a verification code during the procedure for recovering a forgotten user password check_new_access_password + + + +
create_user + + + +
Ending the user's authorized device session device_logout + + + +
Forgotten user password recovery form forgot_password + + + +
Verification code request when user registration is open get_access_password + + + +
Verification code request during the recovery procedure of a forgotten user password get_new_access_password + + + +
User authorization request login + + + +
User deauthorization logout + + + +
Viewing your own profile profile + + + +
Form of open registration of co-users register_user + + + +
Sorting the main menu sort_user_menu + + + +
User login hint request users_get_login + + + +